Performance Health
Account How-To Videos

In this video series, we will cover some of the basics to get you started ordering online.

The Benefits of Opening a Performance Health Account
We bring you benefits to help you focus on your patients

Fast & Easy

Smart Account

Flexible Self
Service Tools

Creating Your Performance Health Account
Creating an online account is easy - view the video tutorials below to get started

Linking to an Existing Account

Creating an Individual Account

To open a New Company Account, Click Here

Now That You Have an Account
Let’s walk through the basics of your online account

Order Basics

Adding Addresses

Finding Products

Placing Your First Order

Delivery Tracking and Multiple Bill To's
Learn about the helpful features you have access to on your account

Delivery Tracking

Managing Multiple Bill To's

Web Order Approval
Understanding your additional account features

Introduction to
Web Order Approval (WOA)

Web Order Approval
Settings and Management (WOA)

Don’t Have an Account? Sign Up Today!
Opening your online account lets you take control

Create Your
Performance Health Account Today!

Take control, save time and money.
Learn the benefits of ordering online.

Create an Account Today!Create an Account Today!